Friday, April 4, 2014

New book title

The book has a new title: A Yankee in the South Cookbook. Why? You ask. Because I found someone else with the other name I chose and I didn't want to create confusion. So I changed the name. Glad it didn't go to print yet. Please update your notes so that it reflects the new change and all. Thanks for your support!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Now accepting recipes for cookbook

Now accepting recipes for the Southern Yankee cookbook. To submit your recipe, simply email it to along with the name you want to have in the cookbook as the submitted name and if selected, it will be included.

Coming in Fall/Winter 2014/2015

A Southern Yankee Cookbook will come to bookstores and debut on in both print and on Kindle Fall/Winter 2014/2015. For more details follow us on Facebook at